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Emergency Plans (only used if Mrs. Routon is out)

Assignment 1

Create a slide show with a slide for each situation- make sure you to write the situation, answer with a complete sentence, and a picture or gif. 

  1. Recall the saddest day of your life. Other than sadness, what other emotions did you feel?
  2. Recall the happiest day of your life. Other than happiness what emotions did you feel?
  3. Recall a time in which you felt disrespected. How did it make you feel?
  4. If life granted you one do-over, what would you change if given the chance?
  5. Recall a time in which someone broke their trust with you? How did you feel?
  6. Recall a time in which you broke someone’s trust. How do you think they felt? 

Assignment 2

Research a job that you would like to have. Write a 300 word essay on that job.