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6th Grade ELA Weekly Agenda






April 29th – May 3rd 


Monday, April 29th – Thursday, May 2nd  –  LEAP TESTING – ALL GRADES!

Friday, May 3rd – Makeup Testing for LEAP – Work on Holes Digital Workbook pages and/or Holes book test


Reminders given to students on Friday, April 26th :  Charge Chromebooks to 100% every day, get a good night’s sleep each night, bring a lunch box with a snack/drink since we are usually going to lunch LATE, and dress comfortably (layers if you get cold!).  NO HOODIES or shirts/pants with large pockets. Cell phones and Apple watches are collected until testing is over. Students are not allowed to check out until ALL grades levels are finished testing. 


Students: You’ve worked so hard ALL year and accomplished so much! This is your time to SHINE and show your teachers, parents, and principals how much you’ve learned throughout this school year!                                                         DON’T STRESS, just DO YOUR VERY BEST! You will be so glad you did! 

Have a great week of testing!  


ELA  ASSIGNMENTS/TESTS –  BE SURE to complete the HOLES BOOK TEST by FRIDAY, MAY 3rd  (100 points) (After LEAP Testing in the afternoons or for homework)  – It IS an open book/open notes test 

HOLES Digital Activity Pages (GC) are due by the end of the day on TUESDAY, MAY 7th!  (100 points) 


**ATTENTION: MRS. BURGESS will be collecting CHROMEBOOKS from all 6th grade students on WEDNESDAY, MAY 8th 

PLEASE be sure you bring you CHARGER that day as well!! 











April 15th – 19th 

Monday –  Cold Read Task – “Developing Civilizations in Ancient Egypt”     Read the passage and answer the multiple choice questions – Whole class review the responses. Discuss central idea and important details from If Stones Could Speak ,”Archaeology 101” and “Archaeology Then and Now”. 

**Review of Literary devices/elements (Quizizz) 

Tuesday – Continue to review Literary Elements/Devices – CommonLit – *Teacher’s choice 

Wednesday –  ***ALL Students – HUMANITIES – TESTING 

Thursday – Begin reading the novel, HOLES. Section 1 – Chapters 1-8 and Google workbook pages 2-15

*There will be a 100 point Google Activity Booklet to complete each week as we read the novel. *Details/activity pages will be posted each week. 


Friday – Complete Workbook pages for section 1 and review vocabulary words. (Section 1 Test on Monday) 


April 1st – 5th 

Monday, April 1st  :   SPRING/EASTER  BREAK! 


Tuesday, April 2nd :   Bellringer - i- Ready “My Path”   

DOL Week 7 - Homework - Due Thursday, April 4th 


**Evaluate random student writing samples from “The Pioneer of Modern Archaeology” – Students will work together with a partner/small group to evaluate the introduction, body, and conclusion using the Paragraph rubric. 

Reread and analyze the CWT, Brainstorm and determine information that will be included in the writing task (Partners/small groups), and create Introductory paragraph… 

**Rough Draft document will be available in Google Classroom 

*** Homework:  DOL Week 7  -  Work on CWT if necessary


****Important note:

The “NEW” Text “ Developing Civilazations in Ancient Egypt” will be REMOVED from the writing task, so we will ONLY use the following sources for the FINAL ESSAY: 

If Stones Could Speak 

“Archaeology 101”

“Archaeology Then and Now” 

Wednesday, April 3rd : Bellringer - i-Ready “My Path” 

Stones Culminating Writing Task 

1 - Organize the structure of the ESSAY -  Body paragraph #3 (If Stones Could Speak) - Mike Parker Pearson and the Riverside Team, Ramilisonina, their theory, their discoveries, how it’s important to question other’s beliefs/theories. **SEE brainstorm/Jot list document in GC as a guide.  Use the book and as needed. 


(Whole Class) Analyze the text together and discuss its connection to different perspectives, theories and tools/processes archaeologists use to understand past cultures. 

** If time permits, continue to body paragraph #2 from                             “Developing Civilizations in Ancient Egypt” 

Homework:  DOL Week 7  - Work on CWT if necessary 


Thursday, April 4th :   Bellringer - i-Ready “My Path” 

Stones Culminating Writing Task 

Create the body paragraph #2 –  “Archaeology Then and Now” – **See Brainstorm/Jot list ideas and guide to help create the paragraph.   

**If time permits, move on to body paragraph # 1 – “Archaeology 101” –  **See Brainstorm/Jot list ideas and guide to help create the paragraph. 


Friday, April 5th:     Stones Culminating Writing Task 

1- Finish up the first body paragraph if needed. Create an Introductory Paragraph for the final essay through whole class discussion/note taking. These brainstorm/jot list notes will be uploaded to GC by the end of the day. 






March 11th – 15th 


1 Bag of Individually Wrapped Candy (14 oz. or greater) 

Thank you in advance! 

**VOTE for WEST MONROE – BEST SMALL TOWN in the SOUTH through April 11th!! 

The link is below and has also been posted on Google Classroom. Parents and students may vote DAILY!  Thanks!

Monday – 

Bellringer - i-Ready “My Path” &  Introduction to section 4 Stones Vocabulary words/definitions 

DOL Week 6 - Paper copy was handed out on Friday, March 8th 

 Lesson 17:  Adding to the list of theories about Stonehenge - Citing Text Evidence and Determining Word Meanings

  • Introduce Section 4 Vocabulary 

  • Read Chp 6 pgs. 30-35 

    • Add notes to your Digital Field Journal - Slides #35-37 

    • Complete Summary/Central Idea on the Chart 

    • Discuss Text Dependent Qu. SRP p. 27 -  (Partner Activity) 

  • Record Richard Atkinson’s Theory about Stonehenge 


***Develop and ADD Paragraph #2  for the previous SEEMS Writing Task  

“Archaeology Then and Now”

***HOMEWORK: DOL Week 6 & Vocabulary Practice Test (GC) 


 Tuesday –  

Bellringer - i- Ready “My Path” 

Lesson 20: Compare/Contrast Images 

  • Compare the images on pages 36 & 38 

  • Analyze images and annotate how they deepen understanding of chapter

  • Complete the Summary/Central Idea on the Chart 

  • Read Chapters 7 pgs. 36-41  - Complete Digital Journal Slides #38-40

**Whole class - Share Paragraph #2 - “Archaeology Then and Now” 

*** Homework: DOL Week 6  - Vocabulary Practice Quiz #2 


 Wednesday – 

Bellringer - Check DOL WEEK 5 (50 pts.) 

Review Vocabulary Words Section 4  - Practice Quiz ?

 Lesson 21: Drawing Conclusions

  • Read Ch. 8   - annotate in Digital Field Journals - Slides #41-43 

  • Add Summary/Central Idea to Charts 

  • Ch. 7-8 discuss text dependent questions for review. SRP p. 38

  • Cite evidence that supports your analysis and make inferences.


Thursday –  

DOL  TEST - Week 6 

 Stones Vocabulary Test Section 4 

 Lesson 22: Unproven Theories

  • Read Chp 9 Annotate, and discuss theories of why Stonehenge was abandoned…  

  • Complete Digital Field Journal Slides # 44-46

    • Add Summary/Central Idea on the Chart 

  • Discuss why this project was built in southern England.

  •  Determine What is the story of Stonehenge according to Mike and the Riverside team?  

  • What theories are mentioned about why Stongehenge was abandoned? 

    • What is still unknown about Stonehenge?


 Friday – 

Lesson 23: Epilogue - Author’s Purpose 

  • Read Epilogue pgs. 56-57

  • **STUDENTS : Create a NEW SLIDE in the Digital Field Journal to answer the following questions: 

  • Annotate reasons for the author's purpose and how it is conveyed.

    • What is the central idea of the text?

    • What is Marc Aronson’s purpose for writing the text?



February 26th – March 1st 


Monday, March 26th - Review Stones Vocabulary - Section 2 - Pretest/definitions   Homework: DOL Week 3 

  • Question: “How has archaeology changed?

  • Read  and annotate “Archaeology: Then and Now” from Intrigue of the Past –  (Google Classroom & SRP pages 18-19) 

  • Compare/Contrast Arch. 101 and Arch. Then and Now on H-Chart SRP p. 17                                                                                               (Begin to complete today and finish in class on Tuesday) 


 Tuesday, February 27th Homwork : DOL Week 3 

Complete the H-Chart for both articles  – “Archaeology 101”  & “Archaeology Then & Now” 

*Identify the Central Idea of both articles (Record in Digital Field Journals) Slides  5 & 12 

Activities:  Read Chp 1 pg. 6-11 If Stones Could Speak and determine the CENTRAL IDEA. 

  • Significance of Stonehenge

  • Summary/Central Idea  “If Stones Could Speak” SPR page 21 – Also Copy and paste into your Digital Field Journal Slide #15 

  • Record in Field Journal - Annotations and Central Idea/Supporting Details. 


Wednesday, February 28th: 

 Bellringer - Check DOL WEEK 3 (50 pts.)   

 (Discuss Central Ideas/Summaries for “Archaeology 101”, “Archaeology Then and Now”, and Stones Chapters 1 & 2) 


  • Discuss how more than one text addresses similar themes and archaeological processes. 

  • Read Chp 2 - Stones pg. 12-15  – Complete Central Idea & Summary for Chapter 2 (GC Doc) and also copy and paste to your Digital Field Journal 

  • Describe how Stonehenge was designed.

  • Group Discussion: How does the info about Stonehenge on p. 13-15 support what you learned about archaeology in this unit?

  • BEGIN WRITING RESPONSE – Review the SPO Rubric (See a copy on GC), and we will be rewriting the CLAIM from the beginning of the week and adding NEW information from two of the text sources above. 

  • CLAIM: The field of archaeology is important because it helps us learn about the past. 

  • **If time permits, we will begin the writing task today, but do most of the work in class on Thursday! 

**Homework: Review DOL Week 3 - Test Thursday 


Thursday, February 29th :     **DOL WEEK 3 TEST 

Activities:  Writing Response Activity Continued… 

*Sources –  “Archaeology 101”, “Archaeology Then and Now”, and/or If Stones Could Speak

Claim: The field of archaeology is important because it helps us learn about the past. 

**Use evidence from two sources above. 

Share/evaluate writing responses in small groups - Use the SPO rubric to determine the comprehension/content/organization of the writing task.  

Homework: Study Stones Section 2 Vocabulary Words (GC)

Reread/Review “Archaeology Then and Now“ and “Episode 1: My First Adventure” (TEST – FRIDAY!) 


Friday, March 1st : 


TESTS:  Stones Vocabulary Section 2  & “Archeology Then and Now” & “Episode 1… “

Complete the Stones Writing Response Activity from Thursday –  The following should be submitted on your Google document before the end of class today. 


Claim: The field of archaeology is important because it helps us learn about the past. 

Two body paragraphs – One for each source 





February 12th – 16th 

Any activities not completed on a certain day will be continued the NEXT day. We will follow the calendar as closely as possible, BUT you need to be sure to READ teacher pages throughout each week for any changes in ACTIVITIES….Resources are available in my Google Classroom 

All students will need a RED pen to check weekly DOL! Points will be deducted if the homework sheet is not checked in some shade of a red pen! 

Monday – Homework: DOL Week 2 

 **See Stones calendar in Google Classroom for more details on activities 

Lesson I -Introduce CWT/Gallery Walk

  • Review Vocabulary/Definitions for Stones – Section 1 

  • Discuss the details for completing the Digital Field Journal as we read the book in class. **See GC 

  • Read and discuss the elements of the Culminating Writing Task for Stones (CWT will be March 11th –15th) 

  • Read page 7 ONLY – “Archaeology 101” Student Resource Packet – SRP – Also see a digital copy in  GC 

  • View and discuss images from the book, If Stones Could Speak, and complete a picture walk.   (pgs. 30, 36, 40, 46, 53,

  • Watch Videos Neolithic Era Video and take bullet point notes on slide #3 – Digital Field Journal


Tuesday – Homework: DOL Week 2 

– Turn in “The Dog of Pompeii” summary/poster (40 points) 

  •  Watch Video – Madagascar – Take bullet point notes in your Digital Field Journal  – Slide 4      
  • Watch the Video about World Heritage Sites – Prior and background knowledge  
  • Continue to read and annotate “Archaeology 101”  – Pages 7-10 SRP

  • Read Stevenson’s Travel Poem p. 10-11  (Analyze – Who is the narrator? What is the Tone/Mood? How is the narrator’s POV about Travel? Locate and highlight lines in the poem that prove the POV

*** I will update Wednesday’s agenda based on what we complete in class today! 

Wednesday – Check DOL Week 2 (50 point grade) 

  • Read Stevenson’s Travel Poem p. 10-11  (Analyze – Who is the narrator? What is the Tone/Mood? How is the narrator’s POV about Travel? Locate and highlight lines in the poem that prove the POV

     Work on field journals in GC  
  • SEEMs Paragraph- Determine a theme developed in “Travel.” Include evidence to support. 

  • Review Vocabulary Section 1


Thursday –  

  •   Vocabulary Section 1 TEST 

  • DOL Week 2 TEST 

  • Read and Annotate “Profiles of Archaeologists” ( Cold Read)     (SEE GOOGLE CLASSROOM 

    When you finish reading, open the Google Writing Document and begin to… 

    Organize your thoughts and information and create ONE  paragraph to answer the following questions:  

    **Use a variety of sentence types, including compound and complex sentences to write a strong informational paragraph. 

  • Who (specific names) are the archaeologists?

  • Where do each of the archaeologists live? 

  • What -  Describe each one’s specialized field of study? 

  • How and when did each archaeologist develop an interest in archaeology? 

  • Explain how each of them feel about PRESERVATION/CONSERVATION in the field of archaeology.


Friday – 

Archaeology 101- Central Idea/Summary

  • Finish reading and summarizing Arch. 101 and completing chart

  • Videos - “What is Archaeology?” and “The Excavation Process: How we excavate: 

    • Class Summary paragraph

    • Introduce Section 2 Vocabulary 







January 29th – February 2nd  

***ATTENTION PARENTS & STUDENTS:  Please purchase the text for our final ELA unit, IF STONES COULD SPEAK, by Marc Aronson. The book image has been uploaded to GOOGLE CLASSROOM to be sure you purchase the correct one!         All classes will begin the book on Monday, February 12th! It’s an intersting study of Stonehenge and the importance of learning about our history and the importance of archaeology. 

** OUT of the DUST STUDENT PROJECTS are DUE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1st  –  Please see Google Classroom – Students were given the instructions and form to return on Wednesday, January 24. The bottom section should have been returned to me by Friday, January 26th to let me know which project is chosen. For students choose that choose the “Scrapbook” project, a Google Slides Template has been uploaded to my Google Classroom to create a “digital” version so it is free and no resources have to be purchased for this one. 

Monday – Review OOTD supplemental texts and read/share great examples of OOTD writing tasks/final essays.

Tuesday – Review OOTD supplemental texts/videos and summary of “On Drought Conditions” by Franklin D. Roosevelt 

Wednesday – 6th Grade ELA Innovative Assessment TESTING for ALL students! Do not bring your bookbag today. You may bring your lunch box, water, snack, etc…  Checkouts will NOT be allowed until after ALL ELA grades complete testing. 


Present by last names (A – J )  (100 points) 

Friday – OOTD STUDENT PROJECT PRESENTATIONS (100 points) – Present by last names (K – Z)  




January 15th – 19th 

Monday – MLK Holiday – No School

Tuesday – Inclement Weather – NO SCHOOL – *** See Assignments posted in my Google Classroom! 

Wednesday – ? In case of an additional inclement weather day, see the assignments posted in my Google Classroom! 

**If we return to school, we’ll begin the Culminating Writing Task for Out of the Dust  –  Instructions, resources, and activities will be posted the day we begin the writing task. 


Thursday **Inclement weather – No school today! I have posted the materials/directions for the Out of the Dust Culminating Writing Task in my Google Classroom.

You may read over the writing task and brainstorm some ideas, but we will officially start the writing task together in class tomorrow. 



Friday –  Begin Out of the Dust – Culminating Writing Task – All resources/materials will be posted in my Google Classroom. 





Happy New Year!! 


January 4th – 5th 


Thursday, January 4th & 5th  –  **The following activities are expected to take both days to complete 

Bellringer – i-Ready “My Path”, Reread “On Drought Conditions” by F.D.R. (Speech) – Small group activity – Reread and create bullet point central ideas for select sections of the speech to share with the class.  Revisit the Culminating Writing Task for Out of the Dust .  **If time permits : Complete a reading comprehension quiz with questions based on the novel and skills taught througout (Record response in Google Classroom – document) 






December 4th – 8th 

Monday – 

 Bellringer - i-Ready “My Path”

  -  SRP page 106 for Language/writing practice 

  • Read  and annotate  “Hired Work” through  “Art Exhibit”  AUTUMN 1934 - Class discussion and split-page notes

Tuesday – 

  Independent - Bellringer - i-Ready “My Path” 

- SRP pages 106-107 - Language/Writing practice 

 Read WINTER 1935  “State Tests Again”  through “Lunch”  and annotate for central ideas, themes, changes in the characters, and figurative language.

Wednesday – 

  • Check Sections 6 & 7  Vocabulary Workshop 

Read OOTD WINTER 1935 poems, “Guests” through “The Competition” and annotate for central ideas, themes, character changes/development, and figurative language


Thursday –  Class in the LIBRARY 

FINISH READING  OOTD WINTER 1935 – “The Piano Player” through “Following in His Steps” and annotate 

 VocabularyTEST  Sections 6 & 7

  *******(Novel Test Section 4 will be MOVED to next Monday)*****











November 13th – 17th 

Monday – 

 Understanding Characters


   Bellringer - i-Ready “My Path” 

  • Read Section – Spring 1934  (first 4 or 5 poems) and annotate

  • SRP P.  Character Analysis Chart – See the one on Google Classroom – Fill in two to three examples in each column.  This is  due Wednesday, the 15th.


Homework: Vocabulary Workshop - Section 2 

Tuesday –  

 Analyze Tone & Mood


  Independent - Bellringer - i-Ready “My Path” 

 Guided -      

  • Complete reading and annotating of Section 2 – Spring 1934 

  • Continue working on the Character Analysis Sheet from Monday 


Class discussion/analysis of characters, events, tone and mood in select poems. 

Homework: Vocabulary Workshop - Section 2   – Due Wednesday 


 Wednesday – 


  • Check Section 2 Vocabulary Workshop 

  Finish the Character Analysis Chart and submit 

 Read and annotate INDEPENDENTLY the following poems from “SUMMER 1934”:  “Hope in a Drizzle”  “Dionne Quintuplets” and “Wild Boy of the Road”  DO NOT READ PAST THESE THREE POEMS. We will be reading more together after Thanksgiving Break! 

Thursday – 


 OOTD Vocabulary Section 2 TEST 

SRP p.36 – 37 Tone and Mood activity –  “Spring 1934” located in Google Classroom            Point of View Activities – located in Google Clasroom *See instructions on the documents *Note – page 37 – Suggestion is to choose two poems listed and give 3 examples of EACH, so you only complete 6 of the 8 rows. 



**We will start the creation of a free verse poem, but will most likely NOT finish the final draft until after Thanksgiving Break.  **Details for the subject of the poem will be uploaded to Google Classroom. 

Review elements of FREE VERSE POETRY 

Small group/partner discussion/evaluation of tone & mood

  Completed Free Verse Poem  ( 40 point grade) 

**Examine the following poem and compare to select poems in the novel: 

*This poem will be posted in GOOGLE CLASSROOM. 

“Leaving the Dust Bowl” Poem by Bob Bradshaw

Homework:  Finish any assignments or tests that you have missed! 


Friday –


  • Review of Literary Elements/Figurative Language/CommonLit  

        TEACHER’S CHOICE of review/practice 







October 30th – November 3rd 

Section 1 Vocabulary Workshop is due NEXT Wednesday, November 8th 


Monday – Oct. 30th 


 Students complete revising/editing of their Hatchet digital project (Google Classroom)   40 min. 

 Small group presentations of the Hatchet Research Projects -  45 min.

****Hatchet digital slideshow project - 100 points grade 

Homework:  Last chance to revise/edit the research project before submitting it. 


Tuesday – Oct. 31st  **Students receive copies of the novel and student resource packets for their binders today! 

 Introduction to Out of the Dust by Karen Hesse (Building Background Knowledge) 

Activities: Bellringer - i-Ready My Path    Handouts:  Out of the Dust Student Resource Packet 

1 – Building Background with Context Videos for The Great Depression and The Dust Bowl

 (Whole Class)   **SEE/WATCH VIDEOS posted in GOOGLE CLASSROOM


Take notes from the videos – Student Resource Packet – pages 1 & 2                                                                                              Read “The Drought!” and “The Drought Article” – SRP pages 18, 21 & 22 – **Posted in Google Classroom. 


**Teacher Choice on videos; Annotating important information


2- Review the Culminating Writing Task for the novel, and examine the novel structure if time permits


Wednesday – Nov. 1st 

Activities: Bellringer -  Continue building background knowledge with video resources  – I will post videos that we watch in class on Google Classroom. *See all the links on the Background knowledge document. Students are watching videos together in class and then completing answers on the separate response document (50 points) 

Read “On Drought Conditions”  by FDR   SRP pages 39-40   

Read “The New Deal” and “The Great Depression” SRP page 20 SRP pages 23-24

“The Drought!” summary/ “Drought!” SRP p.19 pages

Read “No Title” by Woody Guthrie – SRP page 14 


Thursday – Nov. 2nd   Review Section 1 Vocabulary Workshop 

Read “On Drought Conditions”  by FDR   SRP pages 39-40   

Read “The New Deal” and “The Great Depression” SRP page 20 SRP pages 23-24

“The Drought!” summary/ “Drought!” SRP p.19 pages

Read “No Title” by Woody Guthrie – SRP page 14 

– Create a TIMELINE for important events from the The Dust Bowl Era, including The Great Depression. We will modify the timeline from SRP pages 29-31 and use white, folded paper to create our own!


Friday – Nov. 3rd

Review any final videos and discuss the Q&As from each one.

The Dust Bowl gallery walk and note taking (15-20 min.) 

Begin OOTD – Winter 1934 pages 3-16 (Intro. to split-page notes) 









October 16th – 20th 

Monday –  All classes will watch the movie for HATCHET today! 

Students may bring a dry snack (ex. popcorn in a ziploc bag, chips, trail mix, pretzels, etc...)  

Drinks are allowed: Flavored water, juice boxes, sodas with twist tops  –   NO CANS – NO ENERGY DRINKS!  

*** NO book or vocabulary TESTS this week  due to the Innovative Assessment for Hatchet (Wednesday, October 25th) 

Innovative Assessment Prep. begins Tuesday and will continue through Friday. Each day, students will complete a CommonLit reading comprehension passage and a constructed or extended response. We will review the passages, comprehension questions and the writing task as a whole class. Students will be timed for the writing tasks to prepare for the 60 minute extended response on the Innovative Assessment. Parents may view the writing task results each day in Google Classroom. The comprehension questions and writing tasks will not be taken for a test grade, but points may be deducted if the students do not participate and complete activities with the rest of the class. 

Tuesday – CommonLit –  “The Lone Woman of San Nicolas Island” – Informational/short story

Wednesday – Online Training Tools (Whole class practice), small group review/discussion & evaluation of writing response for “The Lone Woman...”  – Begin the poem “See it Through” if time permits

 Thursday –  (Whole class act.) – Read an excerpt from The River by Gary Paulsen and examine the change in Brian since he had his first surivival experience in Hatchet,  continue the questions/answer choice review of “See it Through” and begin the writing task. 

Friday – “Do People Really Change?”  – CommonLit informational text  w/ writing task response  





September 25th – 29th 

**Vocabulary Workshop Section 5 –  Due Wednesday, September 27th 

Monday- Bellringer – i-Ready 

Intro. to Section 5 Vocabulary Workshop,

Read Chapter 15 – Question: How has Brian changed? Annotate for: What is “first meat” and what does Brian learn from this experience?  SRP page 63 – Sentence types using any event from Hatchet,  SRP – Comprhension questions p. 13 – How is Brian different than before the crash? SEEMS paragraph on lined paper. Choose one way Brian is different. 

Revisit/Revise THEME paragraph from last week – Change THEME to Resourcefulness  

Tuesday- Bellringer – i-Ready                                                                                     SRP p.27 Memory Moments (themes) Read Chapter 16 – Annotate for: What setbacks does Brian experience? Complete the THEME writing task (Resourcefulness)  by editing/revising and submit. 

*Review COMMON LIT task comprehension questions 

Wednesday-  Bellringer – Check Vocabulary Section 5, Read Chapters 17 & 18 and annotate for: How does Brian continue to show he has learned lessons about survival? 

*Complete any Questions for Chapters 17 & 18 in the SRP 


Thursday- Bellringer – Section 5 Vocabulary Test

Read Chapters 19 & Epilogue- Annotate for: 2 highlighters – What happens to the hatchet? How does Brian react? SRP p. 29 Hatchet References – Quotes/Brian’s feelings about it.   

SPO – Explain the importance of the Hatchet for Brian’s survival. Give two examples of how the hatchet was a valuable resource. Review Chapters 15- Epilogue (notes and quizizz) 


Friday- HATCHET TEST – Chapters 15 – Epilogue 

INDEPENDENT READING  – “The Practice of Slowing Down” from This I Believe by Phil Powers   – Posted in Google Classroom 



September 11th – 15th 

Homework: Section 4 Vocabulary Workshop/Study – Due Wednesday 

Reminder :  10 POINT BONUS OPPORTUNITY – Biggest need right now is individually wrapped candy for rewards. Bring anytime through September. Thanks! 

Monday –

Bell Ringer: iReady “My Path” & introduce vocabulary workshop section 4 

Lesson: What is the most important challenge Brian has faced in chapters 6 or 7? 

Continue and complete  a SEEM paragraph to explain the #1 most important challenge for Brian at this point. (Act. from Friday) 

Type the final draft in Google document. 

Read Chapter 8 - annotate and discuss how the author uses Point of View (3rd person)  

Review for Hatchet chapter test (5-8) (QUIZIZZ)



Tuesday – 

Hatchet novel test - Chapters 5-8

After the test, complete graded assignments:   SEEM paragraph in GC – One of the most important challenges Brian has faced so far is…. , watch the THEME video in GC and begin the “Determining the Theme” worksheet in GC.

*Early finishers:  i-Ready “My Path”, independent reading, or work on Vocabulary homework while all students have the opportunity to complete graded work. 


 Wednesday – 

Bell Ringer: Check Vocabulary Workshop Section 4  

Lesson: What survival skills is Brian utilizing?  Review the definition of THEME and identify themes from Hatchet. 

Read Chp 9-10. Students will read, annotate, highlight, and discuss literary elements/literary devices in these chapters.  Students will discuss what Brian’s core ideas of survival are.  Students will also summarize both chapters including important details. Discuss themes of the chapters

Thursday – 

Bell Ringer:   - Vocabulary Test Section 4  - Early finishers: i-Ready 

Lesson: Review Themes from the chapters…  Read, annotate, highlight, and discuss literary devices/elements in chapters 11-12.  Discuss Brian’s character changes and the emotional state of Brian.  Students will identify and find evidence of how Brian is changing physically, emotionally, and how he is dealing with surviving the 42 days and becoming the “new Brian”.  

Lesson:  Read Chs. 13-14. Students will annotate, discuss, and highlight literary devices/elements. 

How is Brian changing and what is learning about himself and his survival? 

*Review events from Hatchet  chapters 9-14 (Quizizz) 

Lesson: If students are prepared for the Hatchet Novel Test - Chapters 9-14, it will be given today. If students need more time to read and review, we will use this day for review and move the test to Monday. 


Friday – 

Bell Ringer: iReady Path  and/or Quizizz of Hatchet or Literary skills 

Lesson:  Read Chs. 13-14. Students will annotate, discuss, and highlight literary devices/elements. 

How is Brian changing and what is learning about himself and his survival? 

***SUPPLEMENTAL TEXT:  Read “In Which Autumn Provides Food and Lonliness” – Whole class activity & discussion 



Hatchet NOVEL TEST (Chapters 9-14) is planned for next WEDNESDAY, September, September 20th 





August 28th – September 1st 

Monday – Bellringer – i-Ready My Path (2 lessons) 

Activities : Introduce Vocabulary Section 2, Read Chapter 4 & Annotate, and the article, “What Would Peter Do?” (annotate), Review Chapters 1-4 (Identify big events and discuss how Brian has responded to them so far in the story – Continue the review of Chapters 1-4 on Tuesday (Small group SEEMS writing activity) 

Tuesday – Bellringer – i-Ready My Path (2 lessons) 

Activities: Read Chapter 5 (annotate) Answer SRP questions for Chapters 3 – 5, Introduce the SEEMS paragraph organizer and create a SEEMS paragraph using the question: What is Brian learning about survival?   (20pts.) 

Wednesday – Bellringer i-Ready My Path (2 lessons) 

Activities: – NOVEL TEST – Chapters 1-4, Check Vocabulary Workshop HW, Discuss and write ideas/sentences to explain mistakes made by the character in “What Would Peter Do?” and Brian from Hatchet.  T-Chart –  (Small group ideas and organization)

Thursday – Bellringer i-Ready My Path (2 lessons) 

Activities: Vocabulary Section 2 TEST, continue with the writing/brainstorming activity from Wednesday using the article “What Would Peter Do?” 

Friday – Bellringer i-Ready My Path (2 lessons)  

Activities: Compare/Contrast the NF text with Brian’s actions in Hatchet. SEEMS constructed response. (60 pts.) **See Calendar - 8/31

Read Chapter 6 if time permits 


**SEE GOOGLE CLASSROOM for all resources, assignments, tests, etc… 


  August 14th -18th 


Monday - 7th & 8th grade students only - NO 6th grade STUDENTS 

Teachers only   


Tuesday - 6th grade students ONLY 

Welcome, introduce classroom and school procedures (PBIS minor infraction and self-reflection forms and rules), review binders if time permits, and complete a personal narrative project. Review the upcoming novel, Hatchet, reading comprehension skills, the purpose and use of the ELA binder, and how you will set up the “Writing Resource Notebook”. 


**Students will get 5 bonus points if binders are set up by Thursday, August 17th. 


Wednesday - 


  • Begin “I AM” Narrative Project   (30 minutes) 

  • Introduce DOL Week 1 - Complete #1-5 and practice correction of errors.

  • Read _and Review TWR beginning strategies and literary elements…


   *Fragments & Run-ons 

   *4 Sentence Types 


TWR - Building blocks of writing - Fragments, Run-ons 

Practice correction of sentence fragments.


Thursday, August 17th 


**Check Binder Set up for bonus 


Handouts:  Hatchet (SRP) & Novel 


Continue TWR with literature… 


*Sentence Types 

*Unscramble Sentences 


INTRO. to SURVIVAL group project : 

Students will choose a “survival” item and work in teams to create a survival strategy based on their abilities and items chosen. 

Location : Deserted Island - Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean


Friday - i-Ready Diagnostic TEST for all 6th grade students 








May 6th – 10th 

****Chromebooks will be collected from 6th graders Wednesday morning (May 8th)! Be sure to bring your charger and red bag to school with your computer! 


Monday, May 6th  - Final i-Ready Diagnostic Test  – Complete Holes Digital Workbook pages 


Tuesday, May 7th - Final day for working on Holes activity pages and completing any graded assignments. 


Wednesday, May 8th - HOLES - The MOVIE!  


Thursday, May 9th - Review of literary skills with group activities, novel bingo, etc… 


Friday, May 10th -  PBIS - FIELD DAY for ALL GRADE LEVELS!







April 22nd – 26th 


HOLES UNIT/ACTIVITIES (April 18th - April 26th)  


Section 1 – Chapters 1 - 8      (Digital Workbook slides 2-14) 

Section 2 – Chapters 9 - 19    (Digital Workbook slides 15-20)      

Section 3 – Chapters 20 - 28  (Digital Workbook slides 21-27) 

Section 4 – Chapters 29 - 39  (Digital Workbook slides 28-34)

Section 5 – Chapters 40 - 50  (Digital Workbook slides 35-41)


***100 point completion grade will be given for Google Activity Book                     (Slides  #2 - 40)

**Holes Google Activity Book - Due no later than Monday, May 6th


**Digital workbook pages should be completed for homework if NOT completed in class on specific reading days (sections)! 


           APRIL 18-19, 2024

HOLES NOVEL – Sections 

4-18   Holes Unit - Read Section 1  and complete Google Activity Book Pages 

4-19   Read Holes Section  2  and complete Google Activity Book  Pages 

                 APRIL 22-26, 2024

4-22    - Read Holes Section 3 and complete Google Activity Book Pages 

4-23  Read Holes Section 4 and complete Google Activity Book Pages 

4-24 Read Holes Section 5 and complete Google Activity Book Pages 

4-25 Complete Section 5 Reading Section and complete ANY unfinished Google Activity Book Pages if necessary. 

4-26 Peer Buddy Review of Sections Events, Quizzes, etc… 

***FINAL HOLES BOOK TEST (100 points) 





April 8th – 12th 



Monday, April 8th :  DOL Week 8 - Homework (Due Wednesday)  Create a CONCLUDING paragraph for the STONES Final Essay -Peer Buddy Essay Evaluation - Use LEAP 2025 Rubric to check/revise/edit final drafts. 

*** Homework:  DOL Week 8 & complete any final editing and revisions of the Stones Final Essay 


Tuesday,  April 9th:  Bellringer: Complete DOL Week 8 & whole class check! 

Share Some Stones Final Essays around the room to get feedback based on the RUBRIC. 

**Review the difference between the Central Idea, Important Details, and Summaries. 

**Teacher’s Choice Worksheets and/or Quizizz or Blooket.    


*** Homework:  DOL Week 8 & complete any final editing and revisions of the  Final Essay and SUBMIT! 



Wednesday, April 10th  :  *We checked DOL on Tuesday!  Due to the inclement weather day, the Stonehenge canvas painting will be done on Thursday! 


Thursday, April 11th : **DOL TEST has been moved to FRIDAY!


**** PLEASE Bring or WEAR an OLD SHIRT/PANTS - The paint will NOT be able to be removed from clothing! 

Homework:  NONE 




 Cold Read Task - “Developing Civilizations in Ancient Egypt”                       

  (25pt. multiple choice reading comprehension quiz) 

 Students will read the passage independently and answer multiple choice and selected short response questions.

Homework: NONE 

**Review Literary Elements and/or Devices for Innovative Assessment/LEAP Review 

Teacher’s choice of worksheets, other small group skills’ activities, and/or CommonLit for reading comprehension (Part A/Part B) practice. 

** The activities that can also be done at home will be uploaded to Google Classroom. Some of the activities may only be completed in class with a partner or small group. 






March 18th – 22nd 


1 Bag of Individually Wrapped Candy (14 oz. or greater) 

Thank you in advance! 

**VOTE for WEST MONROE – BEST SMALL TOWN in the SOUTH through April 11th!! 

The link is below and has also been posted on Google Classroom. Parents and students may vote DAILY!  Thanks!



Monday, March 18th :   

1 - Stones  **OPEN BOOK TEST - Chapters 6- Epilogue

2- The Writing Revolution - Practice pages SRP pages 48, 49, and on SRP page 50, create one thinking question for each picture on the following pages in the book : Pages 28, 47, and 55.

3- i-Ready “My Path” 



Tuesday, March 19th :   Bellringer - i- Ready “My Path” 


***Cold Read Comprehension Passage w/Writing Assignment  (Multiple Choice – 25 pts.)  (Writing Task – 50 pts.) 

1 - Watch YouTube Video: Giovanni Battista Belzoni - Archaeologist - Background Knowledge 

2 -

  1. Independent activity - Read “Pioneer of Modern Archaeology” and complete the comprehension questions (Google Classroom)  Multiple Choice Reading Comprehension Quiz - Open notes 
  2. Writing Task – “Pioneer of Modern Archaeology” – *See directions on the Google Classroom document 

**Homework: Complete the “Pioneer of Modern Archaeology” writing task if necessary – Most or all can be completed in the classroom 



Wednesday, March 20th :   Bellringer - i-Ready “My Path” 

1- Complete the Cold Read Writing Task / Discuss the information from the Cold Read Task and questions (GC) 

Share writing task responses/evaluate pargraphs with the TWR paragraph Rubric 

2- The Writing Revolution - Create sentences / paragraphs, etc… Teacher’s choice activities 

The Writing Revolution - Continue SRP page 51, 52  (Episode 1: My First Adventure) 

Writing activities (COMPLETE and SHARE - WHOLE CLASS)

Homework : none 


Thursday, March 21st :   Bellringer - i-Ready “My Path” 

TWR - The Writing Revolution - Practice with Stones SRP pages

*SRP page 53 - Subordinating Conjunctions - fill in the blank 

*SRP page 54 - Appositives - Brainstorm - Share results 

*SRP page 55 - Sentence combining 

*SRP page 56- Appositives 

Homework: None 


Friday, March 22nd  :   Bellringer - i- Ready “My Path” 


Expanding Kernal Sentences - SRP pages 58-59 - Archaeology 

Quizizz - Figurative Language/Literary Element Review 









March 4th – 8th 

***10 BONUS POINTS OPPORTUNITY  – Students bring one 14 oz or larger bag of individually wrapped miniature candy – Ex. Jolly Ranchers, Hershey Kisses, Starburst, Laffy Taffy, mini Dum Dums or Tootsie Pops, miniature candy bars.                                                                          Thank you to those who have already brought come to put in the candy box! 

**REMINDER : Students should be checking their grades (Progress Center) twice a week to be sure all tests and assignments have been completed. It is the students’ responsibility to make up the work if he/she is absent. 

Monday – 

Bellringer - i-Ready “My Path” 

Lesson 14: Analyze Text: Mike Parker Pearson and Ramilisonina 

Introduce Section 3 Vocabulary  - DOL W5 Homework handout 

  • Read chapters 3-4  pages 16-23 Annotating in Field Journals

  • Analyze/Describe Ramilisonina and his significance 

    • Add Summary/Central Idea to SRP pages 21-22 

**Work to complete assigned digital field journal slides # 18-24

***HOMEWORK: DOL Week 5 


Tuesday –  

Bellringer - i-Ready “My Path” 

**Work to complete digital field journal slides #18-24 and Chapter 4 - slides 25-29

**Begin to READ Chapter 5 if time permits and to be continued on Wednesday… 

3-3 Lesson 15: Summarizing (Tracing Theories of Stonehenge)

  • Read Ch 5 pgs.24-29 Annotating in journals 

    • Write Summary/Central Idea on the SRP page 21-22 

  • Students trace the various theories that have been expressed about Stonehenge 

  • Record information about theories in Digital Field Journals #30-34

*** Homework: DOL Week 5



 Wednesday – 

Bellringer - Check DOL WEEK 5 (50 pts.) 

Review Vocabulary Words Section 3 

-Finish reading, annotating and discussing Stones Chapter 5 

Write the Summary/Central Idea on the SRP summary chart (GC) 

**Short Writing Response - Summarize and discuss how the evidence supports or rejects the validity of identified claims. (Small Group Act. & Share/Evaluate -Whole Class)  Use Vocabulary Word List to Complete Writing Response Paragraph. 

-Record Summary/Central Idea on the Summary chart and copy/paste into the field journal. Work to complete slides #30-34 


Thursday – 

TESTS today! 

-DOL Week 5 

-Stones Vocabulary Section 3 

-Comprehension - STONES Chapters 1-5 

**READ Chapter 6 STONES pages 30-35 and complete annotations in the digital field journal.             Slides # 35-37

**Annotations should include bullet points of the most important information you find                                      (People, ideas, theories, problems, solutions, results)



Friday –  Teacher’s choice activity – **Archaeological sites around the world                           Subject – EASTER ISLAND  – All activities w/directions will be posted in Google Classroom. 









February 19th – 23rd 


Monday –  NO SCHOOL

Tuesday – NO SCHOOL 

Wednesday –   Archaeology 101- Central Idea/Summary

 1- Students work to complete “Archaeology 101 Summarizing Handout” (Digital -GC) also (SRP pgs.14-15) 

Review instructions for completing digital field journal slides 

 Reread the poem, “Travel”  - Identify evidence to prove themes… 

2- ** Individual act.  Create a “Theme” poster -  Reread the poem, “TRAVEL”, and   determine One THEME in the poem –  Posters should include:  Theme (word or phrase), the title of the poem, a one or two sentence central idea, and any nice artwork you’d like to add which relates to any places in the world included in the poem. 

*Create any artwork that would represent the setting(s)    30 pt. grade 

***Discuss THEMES (whole class) 


 Thursday –  

Activities:  Lesson 7: Realistic/Unrealistic T Chart  

     Watch “Episode 1: My First Adventure”

  • Complete Realistic vs. Unrealistic on T-Chart – SRP page 16 

    • Record findings in Field Journal

Lesson 8:  Reflection on Understanding

      Reflect on how your understanding of “Travel” has changed after watching “Episode 1”                                           ***Record in Field Journals   



 Friday – 

Comprehension Test: “Travel” “Archaeology 101” and “Profiles of Archaeologists”

Handouts - DOL Week 3 & Review Stones Vocabulary Section 2 

Claim Statement and Evidence

My First Episode Video 

  • Discuss Claim:  Archaeology is an exciting field because it helps us learn about the past. 

    • How does this quote reflect the claim?                                                                                     “Archaeology is an exciting field because it helps us learn about the past.”

Complete Claims/Evidence Chart.  – SRP page 17 

**SPO PARAGRAPH PRACTICE  using the claim above.






February 5th – 9th 

**REMINDER:  We will begin our third book next Monday, February 12. I have discussed the importance of purchasing a copy of the book, If Stones Could Speak, by Marc Aronson. Students that have their own copy and able to annotate, highlight, etc… throughout the unit and use it at home when necessary. An image was uploaded into Google Classroom a couple of weeks ago for parents and students to see the correct copy of the book. 

Monday **Each day this week, classes will complete as many reading activities as possible. Any material, reading, etc… that is not completed will be continued the following day. 


Bellringer : Present any remaining OOTD student projects 

Activities: Introduce vocabulary words for the short story  - “The First Emperor” - After reading the story (pages 866-870), complete a

**DUE no later than WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7th – Mini-Poster Project – Include 5 – 10 facts on an 8 x 10 or 11 X 14 piece of copy paper –  Include the story title and Ch’in Shih Huang Ti, and add 5 to 10 facts from the list of facts included in GC. Also, include drawings on your paper (colored) that represent symbols for the character, important things in the story, or colors to represent the country (Be creative)  (40 point grade) 


Formal assessment : (40 point grade)White paper - Informational bullet point list of facts w/ drawing(s) to represent artifacts/findings 


Tuesday –  Mini Poster Activity Due no later than Wednesday, February 7th 

 Bellringer : Complete and turn in mini poster projects (40 points) BEGIN DOL Week 1  (Practice together this week) The DOL sheet will be posted in GC. 

Activities:  Complete any unfinished reading/informational skills from Monday..  (Graded informational white paper act.) 

Review Vocabulary Words 

Read - “Discovery and Excavation of Shi Huangdi’s Tomb” page 872-876  



Wednesday – 

Focus:  Archaeology - Bill Nye the Science guy investigates archaeology! 

Activities: Bellringer : Share “The First Emperor” mini informational posters and/or i-Ready “My Path” 

 **Whole class – Practice making corrections on the WEEK 1 DOL Worksheet 

Archaeology Focus: Students will watch Bill Nye Season 4 Episode 11 and complete activity pages to answer questions about the study of archaeology.  (Google Classroom) 

Discuss new information learned about archaeology…


Thursday – 

Focus:  Archaeology - Field Trip to Pompeii 

Activities:  Bellringer  – i-Ready  – DOL practice 

Archaeology Focus: Students will participate in a virtual field trip to Pompeii -  After watching the video, students will complete  a questionnaire (MagicSchool AI) to show their knowledge of Pompeii, how and what archaeologists uncover important information and artifacts (Google Classroom) 

Discuss findings - Whole class act. 

Read the short story, The Dog of Pompeii, identify the central idea, events, and any important facts.


Friday – 

Activities:  Complete the short story, “The Dog of Pompeii”, identify the central idea, events, and any important facts. 

VOCABULARY TEST for Archaeology. 

 **If time permits - Archaeology  -  Study and find facts about Salisbury,England - the site of Stonehenge 

**Watch a video to learn about interesting facts of the city and surrounding areas including Stonehenge.

January 22nd – 26th


**This week: All classes continue the OOTD Culminating Writing Task which we began on Friday, January 19th … I will post detailed activities in my GOOGLE CLASSROOM. Please see the AGENDA/DOCUMENT in Google Classroom!  Students should be able to complete the activities for each day in class. Homework is only required IF the student does NOT complete the assignment for the day, or if he/she needs extended time to continue.   


Monday January 22nd – Friday January 26th  

 ***Please see the AGENDA/DOCUMENT in Google Classroom! 


REMINDER: Next Wednesday, January 31st is the 6th GRADE INNOVATIVE ASSESSMENT!  PLEASE have your child PRESENT for testing that day unless they are sick. STUDENTS ALWAYS perform better on the day of testing than if they are having to go to another classroom for Makeup testing!  










January 8th – 12th 



Monday – Bellringer –  i-Ready “My Path, SRP – Writing Revolution page 109 – topic sentenctes, share “On Drought Conditions” summaries (partner/small groups), Read the text, The Migrant Mother SRP page 78-80 “USDA Photographer Rescues Destitute Farm Workers” and “Okies” SRP pages 76-77  – Add a fact to large sticky notes around the room, watch the Migrant Mother and Okies videos – see GC 

* If time permits, review Common Lit passages 

Tuesday – Bellringer – “My Path” – Writing Revolution SRP page 111 – sentence types (Oklahoma) Compare/Contrast Poems – “No Title” and “Leaving the Dust Bowl” by Bob Bradshaw – Using a graphic organzier, analyze poems for central idea, vocabulary, figurative language, etc… 

READ the History Channel article, “10 Things I Didn’t Know About the Dust Bowl”  – Write one or two facts on large sticky notes around the room. 


Wednesday – Bellringer – i-Ready “My Path”, Writing Revolution – SRP pages 112-113 READ “The Grapes of Wrath” – Chapter 17 – Identify similarities (characters, events, situations) of the story to Out of the Dust.     ***Write a parargraph – See GC doc. 

 Thursday –  All 6th Grade ELA students –  i-Ready Mid-year Diagnostic Test! 

 Friday –   The Writing Revolution – SRP pages 114 – 120 (complete and whole class review) 

LIBRARY –   Book return and checkout – Complete the i-Ready Diagnostic if necessary – 




**SEE the letter in my GOOGLE CLASSROOM! 

December 11th – 15th 

A TEACHER COPY of Split-Page NOTES will be uploaded after school each day as we read sections of the novel. Your responsibility is to COPY and PASTE all the notes into the STUDENT Split-Page Google Document. 

Monday –  

 Quizizz - Review Autumn 1934 & Winter 1935 and Split-page notes 


    OOTD Novel Test - Autumn 1934 through Winter 1935

  • Guided: Read and annotate poems, Spring 1935 - “Heartsick” through “Blankets of Black” 

  • Homework: Complete any split-page notes if not finished in class. I did tell students today they can copy and paste my “Teacher Notes” into their document since there are extra-curricular activities, concerts, etc… this week! We are reading and discussing the poems in class. 


Tuesday – 

 Read and annotate - SPRING 1935 - Poems “The Visit” through “Old Bones” 

Homework: Complete any split-page notes if not finished in class.


 Wednesday –    COOKIE EXCHANGE with Christmas activities…!! Don’t forget to bring your cookies or sweet treat to the LIBRARY!  

Guided:  #1 - Read and annotate the poems from Summer 1935 and the following poems from 

 Autumn 1935 :  “Cut it Deep” through “My Life, or What I Told Louise After the Tenth Time She Came to Dinner” 

Homework: Complete any split-page notes if not finished in class.



Thursday – 

#1 - Read and annotate poems from Autumn 1935  - “November Dust” through “Finding a Way” 

          #2 - Quizizz review for Spring 1935, Summer1935, and Autumn 1935

Homework:  Study split-notes for the OOTD final test 



 Friday – 

  • OOTD NOVEL TEST-  Spring through Autumn 1935 

  • Review of Literary Elements/Figurative Language/CommonLit  

TEACHER’S CHOICE of review/practice      







November 27th – December 1st 

Homework: Vocabulary Workshop Sections 4/5 – Due Wednesday (29th) 

Monday – Bellringer - Introduction of Vocabulary Workshop - Sections 4-5 

  •   Create a SEEM (Single Paragraph) to analyze the tone of a selected poem from SRP page 37 -  Whole class - Share paragraphs aloud (Evaluate) 

  • REVIEW the first 3 poems from Summer 1934 and continue READING and annotation of poems - “The Accident”  through “Devoured” Annotate poems – Start annotating poems “The Accident” through “Devoured” 

Tuesday – Bellringer – Finish annotating poems from “The Accident” throught “Devoured”

Review 1st person POV - Recreate “On the Road with Arley” using ARLEY’s POV instead of Billie Jo.  - Study the poem for use of pronouns “I” “We” “Us”....    Follow the outline of the original poem using the information provided, but be sure to change it to Arley’s perspective. Teacher led - moving through one stanza at a time. Once completed, students share their poems in small groups and discuss the  use of specific pronouns, vocabulary, word choices, POV… 

READ and annotate the poems, “Blame” through “The Hole”   - “Summer 1934” 

Identify vocabulary words, figurative language, tone, mood, and changes in the main characters 

** Begin discussing (POV) creation of a NEW version of a  poem for the book… Discuss ideas of poem titles and Daddy’s perspective…     BRAINSTORMING 

**If time permits, continue to READ and annotate “Kilauea” through “The Path of our Sorrow” 

 Class discussion, brainstorming of poem titles and review of poetry structure… 

Work toward final draft of the new version of the free verse poem for the novel “The Hole” (Due 12/1) 


Wednesday –  Check Sections 4-5  Vocabulary Workshop and READ and annotate the poems, “Blame” through “The Hole”    “Summer 1934” 

 Reread the Hole” and share ideas for the title of a “new” version…. 

Class discussion, brainstorming of poem titles and review of poetry structure… 

Work toward final draft of the new version of the free verse poem for the novel “The Hole” (Due 12/1) 

*Checklist/Resources are all located in my GOOGLE CLASSROOM –   Look under the topic :   Out of the Dust Poetry Tasks 


** Review directions for composing the poem, then revising/editing/sharing ideas with your partner or small group. Discuss an appropriate number of stanzas and how to compose free verse lines…. 

**Work to complete a  ROUGH DRAFT of your “new” poem…


Thursday –  Review elements of POV and the instructions from yesterday’s activity of creating a “rough draft” version of your new poem from “The Hole” 

Independent: Students will work with a partner or small group of 3 to share their rough drafts and ideas for revising/editing to improve their poems.    **All resources, including common lists of similes, metaphors, and hyperboles are located in Google Classroom.  Look under the topic – Out of the Dust Poetry Tasks.  

*Partners/Small groups will complete a “checklist” ticket of details which should be included or things to “look for” in their poems, along with editing/word choices, etc… 

Turn in your Completion/Checklist “Ticket” after typing your final poem draft in the Google Classroom document

****Whole Class – READ the remainder of OOTD – Section 3 –   “Kilauea” through “The Path of our Sorrow”  and annotate idendependtly in your split-page notes.


Homework:  Study for Sections 4-5 Vocabulary and Sections 2-3 Novel Test



Friday – OOTD Vocabulary and Novel TESTS      

            ** ENTER YOUR FREE VERSE FINAL POEM in the GOOGLE DOCUMENT! (50 point grade) 

Complete any unfinished annotations of poems from Section 3 – Split-Page Notes in GC








November 6th – 10th 

Monday –     

 Bellringer - i-Ready “My Path” 

 Review Novel Structure - Free verse poetry  *Guidebook lesson - Prose 

 Read Section 1 - pages 3 - 16 and practice (whole class)  creating annotations/ split-page notes

 Whole class discussion throughout reading section 1 

Homework: Vocabulary Workshop - Section 1  



Tuesday – 


Activities:  Independent - Bellringer - i-Ready “My Path” 

 Continue to  read Section 1 - pages 17 - 33  and  annotate w/ split-page notes

 Work to complete SRP pages 8-10 Character Analysis & Character Evidence Chart

Whole class discussion throughout reading section 1 

SRP pages 8-10 - Share results from Character Analysis and Character Evidence Chart 

Homework: Vocabulary Workshop - Section 1    


Wednesday – 


Bellringer - i-Ready “My Path” 

  • Check Section 1 Vocabulary Workshop 

Continue to  read Section 1 - pages 17 - 33  and  annotate w/ split-page notes 

After reading section 1 - Conversation Stems - SRP page 13 to have a small and/or whole group discussion of the characters/events so far in the novel.

 Whole class discussion throughout reading section 1 

Homework: Complete any annotations from instructional time / Quizizz - Out of the Dust Winter 1934 


Thursday – 


OOTD Vocabulary & Section 1 Comprehension TEST

Focus: Synthesize Info from Different Sources

  • Review “No Title” or supplemental texts of teacher’s choice or Discuss Character Traits of main characters in the novel. 

  • SRP p. 11-13”No Title” and Two Texts Chart optional


Friday – 






SEE the DAILY DRESS CODE (optional) on the WEST RIDGE website!! 

October 23rd – 27th 

Monday – Innovative Assessment Prep. – Small group activity w/ all supplemental texts – *See Google Classroom – Any students absent may reread and complete the task independently

Tuesday – Continue Innovative Assessment Prep. – Small group Act. – *See Google Classroom – Any students absent may reread and complete the task independently for review of the supplemental texts.

Wednesday –  INNOVATIVE ASSESSMENT  – ALL 6th Grade Students – Please do your BEST to be present today to avoid makeup testing! 

Thursday – Hatchet Lookbook Research Project – Google Classroom Activity – Students will complete a Google slideshow – **See directions and slides in GOOGLE CLASSROOM. 

Friday – Continue the Hatchet Lookbook Research Project – Google Classroom Activity  – This project is due no later than Tuesday, October 31st 

****Monday – October 30th- LAST CLASS DAY to work on the Hatchet Lookbook for completion

***BACKGROUND KNOWLEDGE for OUT of the DUST – Novel #2 – Begins Tuesday, October 31st 



October 2nd – 6th 

**Homework:  NO vocabulary or tests this week. Most or all of the Hathet Culminating Writing Task will be completed in class. Students who are absent are responsible to completing daily writing assignments for the essay. See the Hatchet Calendar in Google Classroom for more details. 

Monday – 

Bellringer – i-Ready    

Activity: Prepare for the Culminating Writing Task - Review DO WHAT? for the task 

Hand out  WRITING RESOURCES for the students’ writing tab/binder 

Discuss the RUBRIC/GRADING SCALE /  SEEM Organizer

*Whole class - Discuss the CLAIM and students write their own. 

Consider the THEME, determination.  Explain how Brian shows determination throughout his experience in the wilderness in Hatchet. 

** Follow the Writing Task to complete the next steps (Claim/Paragraph 1) 

How does Brian show determination in Hatchet?  SEEM 1  paragraph 

**If time permits: Students independently read the Cold Read Task : “Into the Rapids” 


Tuesday – 

 Bellringer – i-Ready 

Activity: Review the Culminating Writing Task directions…, supplemental text, etc… before continuing the rough draft.

After reading “Into the Rapids”(cold read),  Hatchet, and the supplemental unit texts analyze how Brian aided his survival with his determination and his actions. Explain the common theme of determination. 

SEEM #2  - Explain Brian’s actions and those of the character in “Into the Rapids” and how they share the theme of Determination...

Edit/revise paragraphs one and two…  (peer editing/revising when ready) using writing resources 


Wednesday – 

Guided review of the writing task and transition to SEEM 3 

 After reading “Into the Rapids”(cold read),  Hatchet, and the supplemental unit texts analyze how Brian aided his survival with his determination and his actions.  

Select events from the text to support your claim.  

Use relevant information from the THREE sources to support your answer.  

Support your analysis with relevant details and examples from “Into the Rapids” and from any two unit texts listed below.

Hatchet by Gary Paulsen

“What Would Peter Do?” by Peter Kummerfeldt

Survival by the Numbers” by Peter Kummerfeldt

“In Which the Autumn Provides Food and Loneliness” and “In Which We All Learn about Halloween” from My SIde of the Mountain, by Jean Craighead George

SEEM 3 paragraph  - How does the unit text you chose provide information to share Brian’s determination for surviving in the wilderness? 

Edit/revise all paragraphs -   (peer editing/revising when ready) using writing resources 


Thursday – 

Bellringer - whole class - Review the GRADING RUBRIC for the essay…. 

 Activity: Continue the writing process - C.S. - concluding statement/restate the claim, use writing resources to edit/revise paragraphs, improve the essay by word choice/vocabulary words, and complete a peer buddy evaluation of the essays using the Grading Rubric. 

Complete any final revisions and submit the FINAL  CWT 


 Friday –  Complete all revisions needed to the Hatchet essay and submit no later than today! 

Early finishers:  i-Ready “My Path”  and/or read independently – Quizizz is time permits 



Students may bring a dry snack (ex. popcorn in a ziploc bag, chips, trail mix, pretzels, etc...)  

Drinks are allowed: Flavored water, juice boxes, sodas with twist tops  –   NO CANS – NO ENERGY DRINKS 


FALL BREAK  : OCTOBER 9th – 13th !!!! 






September 18th – 22nd 



Tuesday – i-Ready “My Path” 

Read and analyze the supplemental text:  “In Which Autumn Provides Food and Loneliness”

  TWR – Complete a  J. Summary Chart 

Wednesday – i-Ready “My Path” 

Read and analyze the supplemental text:  “In Which We all Learn About Halloween”  

TWR – Complete a J. Summar Chart 

*Review directions for Venn Diagram Activity: Compare/Contrast Hatchet  and the two supplemental texts 

Thursday – Partners/Small Groups – Venn Diagram –  Discuss and identify similarties and differences between Hatchet and the supplemental texts. Complete the Venn Diagram as directed.

Quizizz/Review of Hatchet Chapters 9-14 

 Friday –  Hatchet Novel Test Chs. 9-14

Library/Book Check out and Return 


September 4th – 8th 

Homework : Vocabulary Workshop Section 3 – Due Thursday 

**Complete the SEEMS writing TUESDAY night if you do not finish in class! Be sure to submit when finished.

           Monday –  Labor Day Holiday No School 

         Tuesday   – Bellringer – i-Ready   –   SECTION 3 VOCABULARY HW  – Due Thursday 

                             Complete SEEMS paragraph  – Invidividual and whole class (Google Classroom) – ENTIRE ESSAY with assistance              

(See annotation instructions on the Calendar in Google Classroom)

         Wednesday  –  Bellringer – LlBRARY orientation with Mrs. Burgess 

 Read Hatchet Chapter 6 – annotate and discuss and move to Chapter 7 if time permits 

Library book checkout/return 


         Read Hatchet Chapter 7 and annotate  – Answer chapter questions in the SRP packet and share 

          Thursday – Bellringer – Check Section 3 Vocabulary Workshop 

Read Hatchet Chapter 7 and annotate  – Answer chapter questions in the SRP packet and discuss

**If time permits, move on to reading the first half of chapter 8 


           Friday- TEST – Vocabulary Section 3  

    Complete the reading of unfinished pages from CHAPTER 8 if necessary – Answer Questions from the SRP for specific chapters (6-8 – SRP pages 11-12 

         **If time permits (or Monday)    Read “Help Me Make it Through the Night – Surviving A Wilderness Emergency”      – Annontate for survival tips and common mistakes that people make. Compare to Brian’s situation. 






August 21st – 25th 

**SEE GOOGLE CLASSROOM for all resources, assignments, tests, etc… 

**STUDENTS:  PLEASE bring one pair of student scissors this week to begin creating the         

       Literary Resource Notebook 


**i-Ready bellringer will begin once Chromebooks are distributed to students 

Monday – Handouts: Hatchet Student Resource Packets  

  •  “Survival by the Numbers” building background. Read the article and work in small group to identify expert survival strategies. (SRP) 

  • Do What Chart – Read and discuss the Culminating Writing Task for the novel.  (SRP) 

  • Review Vocabulary Words/Definitions/Instructions for Vocabulary Workshop homework. 


Tuesday – Read Hatchet Ch. 1 – Annotate/Discuss (Words, Thoughts, Actions) 

                   TWR – Packet – Sentence practice 

 Wednesday –  *Check Vocabulary Workshop (40 pts.) 

                   Read Ch. 2 – Annotate/Discuss (Words, Thoughts, Actions) 

                   TWR – Packet – Sentence practice 

Thursday –  Vocabulary TEST – Section 1 

                       Read Ch. 3 – Annotate/Discuss (Words, Thoughts, Actions) 

                         **Character conflicts, events, etc… 

 Friday – Read Chs. 4-5 – Annotate/Discuss (Words, Thoughts, Actions) 

                                **TWR –  NOVEL related writing practice/task