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Weekly Agenda

Monday 4/22


-Continue working on the 5th supporting question: Why were the battles of 1863-1865 turning points in the Civil War?

-Present Civil War Brochures

-Discuss why Gettysburg and Vicksburg were considered turning point battles in the Civil War 

Tuesday 4/23


-Begin working on the 7th supporting question: How did the Civil War End?

-Scroll through the map showing students the locations of the battles and campaign marches that led to Confederate defeat. Read the captions of each battle and campaign explaining how the war ended.

-Complete an end of the war activity

Wednesday 4/24


-Begin working on the 6th supporting question: What vision did Lincoln set forth for the nation after the Civil War?

-Read the Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction 

-Complete Amnesty and Reconstruction graphic organizer

Thursday 4/25

-LEAP Test

Friday 4/26

-LEAP Test